Though Ranbir Kpoor's new movie has fired the Alpha Male discussions, I think this topic has always been hot among women. Obviously, they have been at the receiving end. No-no, this blog is not a feminist rant at all. It is in fact trying to gauge the depth of a man. When I saw the video clip below I did find it funny but also a little familiar. When men run out of all answers, they casually throw the excuse - "Men are not wired to be faithful." I don’t understand men (in their own head) glorifying cheating on a woman. Does that make them feel more masculine more alpha? Having multiple women in life or being able to get away with abusing or manipulating a woman using money, power, or authority. Is that being the new alpha? I vividly remember, watching one of the greatest Hollywood movies, The Wolf of Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio . One of the turning points of the movie was the protagonist's wife crying hysterically feeling betrayed. The man sud
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